BlogCCIA Letter from Our Leadership: Moving Your Business Forward with Custom Salesforce Services

A Letter from Our Leadership: Moving Your Business Forward with Custom Salesforce Services

Read about our team’s commitment to help move your business forward, from advisory to custom Salesforce application services.

The Birth of CCI: From a Coffee Break to a Global Business

Years ago, CCI was conceived around a coffee break area at a client site. Office space was at a premium, travel budgets were tight, and remote work was being tested as a concept. The pandemic further tested those digital thresholds, putting a strain on easy access (or even access) to those skill sets.

Remote Work and the Growth of CRM Consulting

With remote connectivity and reliability at a premium, CRM projects continued their predicted growth. In the world of Salesforce consulting, key skills gaps became eye-sores on advisory-to-custom application teams. When teams lost these experts, it opened the opportunity for CCI to bring them in, providing their services to clients and partners.

Challenges in CRM Adoption and Implementation

Of course, we didn’t get everything right at first. We had insights about what was missing in the market and CRM consulting’s growth potential, but our team had to ensure our mission, values, and offerings resonated with stakeholders. One thing was certain: we understood the enormous opportunity ahead of us.

CCI’s Unique Approach: Solving the Root Cause

CRM revenue experienced an increase of revenue between 2010 and 2020 to the tune of $55 Billion, but when you look at adoption for those platforms, the numbers don’t reflect a similar story. For example, although lead generation and customer retention reflect the largest use of CRM by application, 50% of sales managers express difficulty with implementation. And, after manual data entry, customers site technical issues as the biggest challenges with CRM adoption (lack of integration with other tools, difficulty tracking sales funnel, invalid/incorrect data, and complicated user experience). Aggregated into one figure, this number comes out to 42%, surpassing the data entry figure of 23%. These challenges point to how the Salesforce CRM was implemented.

Guided by Our Values: Commitment to Client Success

As a team, we imagined what it would be like to present what they needed vs. trying to sell a service. We would have the insights as engineers because we could understand what was going on from a system or platform perspective – for example bolting on an instance to get it up and running vs. solving an on-prem-to-cloud integration or data model issue. What if we could solve the root cause? With the market growth we referenced, we understood the opportunity before us.
Because we’re not done executing on our company’s vision, we will operate with an eye toward the future. Our values will continue to guide us to meet the real needs of our clients. And we will commit to stellar execution and the strength of the service model we have worked so hard to build.

CCI’s Network and Resources: A Dedicated Team in Your Time Zone

CCI is solving those missing connections at the intersection of the physical and digital worlds. Our network is 80+ partners with 200+ resources strong. And with our global team, you can count on a dedicated resource in your time zone. What’s more is that you can trust that there isn’t a problem that our team hasn’t faced yet.
Our team’s commitment to you is to uphold our values of being a trusted partner bringing creativity with innovation translating to our clients’ global success.
The Founders

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